What accessories did Prophet Muhammad wear?

In Hadith literature, there are mentions of certain accessories or garments that Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) wore. However, it's essential to note that the focus in Hadith is primarily on the teachings, actions, and character of the Prophet rather than his clothing or accessories. That said, some narrations provide insights into what he wore:

1. Turban (Imamah): It's reported that Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) wore a turban on various occasions. The turban was a common head covering in the Arabian Peninsula at the time.

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2. Ring (Khatam): The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is reported to have worn a ring, which served both as an adornment and a seal for official documents. The ring is mentioned in several Hadith, with descriptions of its simplicity.

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3. Cloak (Mantle): There are narrations indicating that the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) wore a cloak or mantle, particularly during formal occasions or prayers.

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4. Sandals (Na'al): It's mentioned in Hadith that the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) wore sandals, as was customary in the society of that time.

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These accessories are mentioned in Hadith literature in the context of narrations describing the Prophet's appearance or actions. However, it's important to remember that the emphasis in Islamic tradition is on the teachings and character of the Prophet rather than his clothing or accessories.